
Generator ???

This one is the electric generator. It could be something else but I don't know... At 1st I plan for one hallway (but the first first picture is outdoor and indoor sci-fi game level) and put it in Unreal Engine 3... I thought something is missing.... yea props. The 1st prop is Shit! Box. This is the 2nd one... I have two more for the set so wait and see...

peace out...

Shit ! Box 2010

I was stress out 2 weeks ago so I made this "serious" model and "playful" poster for it... It call "Shit! Box 2010." The "Shit! Box 2006" on the upper left corner is ... mmm .. I made it for friend in 2006... He wants to invent a new product so he gave me orthographic drawing of it. He said, "Hey G, help me with this shit man." XD It like a box which contain... mmm could be everything like letters, news paper, report, flyer... etc. Like every small thing in the daily use and this box could sit everywhere you want. Yo.. and he named that Shit! Box not me. :)

Now come back with Shit! Box 2010. This time I made it bigger than the previous one so it could contain more stuff in it and it could be more varieties stuff like food, snacks, 1st aid kit... etc. Pretty much the same concept with the previous one. Personally, I love the looks and feel of Half Life textures so I try the new painting technic and yea it looks good. I wanted it to look more sci-fi so I put some light on the model. Basically Shit! Box 2010 could sit every where in public and contain everything depend on the place, for example, it could contain an soft drink if it sit on the hall way or something like that... Personally I want you using your imagination with Shit! Box. Yea man like I said, it could be everything inside, that's why it call "Shit! Box." Sound sarcastic right? :P

The model captured from Unreal Ed 3 viewport.



This is quick quick sculpt with ZBrush 3.5 r3. Inspired by the red shirt event in my country. Yep, how suck it is to be is this "Land of Smile", I thought. Finished this in 2 hours, kind of fast.... ha ha. Finished in March 2010.

no more pain,
no more dying,
everybody lost at the end....