
zombie or me?

From the last post.. I forgot that my PC cannot handle large polygon model so I quit that model and drawing instead. :P

This is WIP.



I made this when ZBrush has a new hard surface brushes but I found that doing hard surface sculpting in ZB is takes long time so I import *.obj from Max. Faster!

Started with ZSphere then ZSketch. After that I do sculpting and skinning with alpha.... Imported *.obj From Max and finalize detail.

Finished in late February 2010.

Sci-Fi Props beauty shot


high poly


Sci - Fi Props

Finally I finished the Sci-Fi props two days ago. This is like the construction tools(kind of) but I wanted it to be variety. I got the "Shit! Box"(well, if you guys hate this name just use other words like chip or ship), "Generator" red cart with push handle, "Construction Cone" come with red and green light, and "Eat Box" a small health pack.

Sci - Fi Props with indoor lights on.

Sci - Fi Props with indoor lights off.

I wanted this to be like not much advance technology. People still using hands operating stuff. It could be on the spaceship or some planet. With human of course! No robot or AI...

The thought about Sci-Fi I think about indoor scene. Games like Doom and Quake, in my opinion, they got inspiration by the Aliens movies. I love that environment but for this title I was not focus much about scene so I got one poly for a wall and one for a floor with diffuse, spec, emissive, and normal map textures, same with all objects. The textures size are 2048x2048 and 1024x1024. 512x512 of three oil decals on the floor by the way...



Inspired by the red shirt event again... :P

An monstrous red alien invade the nation. Back to that day, I thought, it could be better if those red shirt are the outer space aliens so we wouldn't hurt that much from Thai people hurt each others. This art piece came out like "we come in peace" phrase but not, they are not peaceful group at all...

Finished in early June 2010.

Peace out human beings!


Red Devil

Finished in May 2010. Inspired by the red shirt event meh.....YEP...

A mean red monster takes control new born, feed them, brain-wash... do everything to make the new born obey. Red monster want to be on the top of everything forever....

Actually I like " less is more ", " simple but cool " but after finished the 1st version my friend made a comment, He said, "look nice but you can add more stuff in it....do more..."

This is the 1st version....

Red Devil